Monday, May 11, 2009

Valkyrie Base #1

I finally remembered to pick up some batteries for my camera, and managed to take a few shots of my first Valkyrie base. It is currently in the "Good enough for now - one day I will come back and actually finish it" purgatory where 99% of my projects end up.

It was a lot of fun putting this together, and it gave me a chance to go through my over-flowing bitz box (not to mention finally paint at least one of the storm boyz that have been sitting on the shelf for months.)

I'll get some pics of the Valk on the base whenever it's completely finished.

For the second Valk's base I'm thinking of sacrificing a AoBR dread and a couple of the battered land speeders I've got lying around in the bits box.


1 comment:

  1. Your version of 'good enough' makes me rather ill.

    This is why I like the Jazz Factory for tournies...dim lights mean you can't see the true (lack of) depth in my paint jobs!
