Thursday, May 21, 2009

A Brief Guard Update

I've had a couple weeks now to play around with the Guard codex, and so far it's been working out fairly well. I've lost many more games than I've won thus far, but I feel like I am starting to get a handle on the codex. Getting over the "new, shiny" factor which comprises a large portion of the codex is a big part of that.

The answer I've found is....TANKS! And lots of them!

My latest list looks something like this:


Company Command Squad

Inquisitor Lord
(Psychic Hood, Bolt Pistol/CCW,3 Mystics)


Veteran Squad
(Lascannon, 3 Sniper Rifles, Forward Sentries, Vox)

Veteran Squad
(Missile Launcher, 3 Sniper Rifles, Forward Sentries, Vox)

Veteran Squad
(Shotguns, 3 Melta guns)

Veteran Squad
(Shotguns, 3 Melta guns, Grenadiers, Chimera)

Veteran Squad
(Shotguns, 3 Melta guns, Grenadiers, Chimera)




Leman Russ Battle Tank

Leman Russ Battle Tank

Leman Russ Squadron:

1.)Leman Russ Battle Tank
(Camo Netting)

2.)Leman Russ Executioner
(Plasma Sponsons,Knight Commander Pask, Camo Netting)

I imagine I will eventually drop a Russ to add in a Psyker battle squad mounted in a Chimera (sometime when I'm not facing down Runes of Warding every game.) I will also eventually either buff the Inquisitor Lord's retinue so that he is capable of contributing something other than hiding in the corner waiting for someone to try and use a psychic power or deepstrike nearby. Some heavy bolters perhaps? Either that or drop him in favor of an Elites choice Inquisitor with Mystics and a hood to shave points.

I have also discovered:

-Valkyries, while fragile, make excellent melta-vet delivery devices. (Especially with a 24" scout move.)

-The Leman Russ Executioner is extraordinarily expensive when kitted out properly (Plasma Sponsons, Commander Pask, Camo Netting, and perhaps a vare-bones Russ as an ablative tank to soak up some fire,) but it's worth it. :)

The potential for a 3+ cover save on AV 14 makes this tank, which ordinarily would be #1 on the target priority list, a much less attractive target.

-The Imperial Guard Alpha Strike is amazing. Case in point: a game with Rob that lasted approximately 25 minutes- or one shooting phase.

One of these days I'll get around to trying a Platoon-based list, but for right now...Vets are just too damn cool.

I've been able to get some modeling in as well. My first Forgeworld order finally came in - so I've been able to start on the Chaos Renegades which will serve as my vets in the final list. Haven't had time to snap any decent pictures of them yet, but I will hopefully update with those later.

In the meantime here's one of the objective markers I threw together while waiting for some washes to dry the other day.

More to come eventually!

1 comment:

  1. That list puts out a ridiculous amount of firepower.

    I think if I were going to tweak it much...I'd lose the pet Executioner, only because it buys you so much breathing room. If I could ever manage to run and deliver something melta-heavy like Fire Dragons to that set of tanks, they'd be in it in a bad way, but barring that....the cover and such DOES make them a beast to down.

    What other HQ would you take if you dropped the Inq lord, though?

    The only other thing I can think of to shave points off would be Grenadiers. 60 points gets you a decent amount in the guard army; shave that and maybe drop the executioner/pask (thereby freeing 310 points) for another vet squad in a chimera, the psyker battle squad, and maybe adding something to the Russes.

    I like the Executioner's performance, but it IS a frakking expensive tank, and if someone can nail it (and possibly immobilize-kill the other russ) you've lost a quarter of your army.

    That's about the only thing that springs to mind that I'd do. I hadn't realized how expensive the Paskexecutioner was 'til I looked it up. That thing's like Seer-Council expensive...
